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Cuyahoga County Public Library is collaborating with the Greater Cleveland Food Bank to distribute free, fresh produce to those in need.
This event will be held rain or shine. Each family will receive 3 pre-packaged boxes of dairy, meat, and/or produce for free, loaded into their vehicle trunk. First come, first-served basis, adults of any age, zip code, income level. Each vehicle can have up to 4 “families” (such as if single seniors are riding together). Vehicles preferred over walk-ups, for safety reasons.
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CCPL’s popular toy collection got its start as a special collection located in the Brooklyn Branch. The collection was housed exclusively at the Brooklyn Branch from 1992 until 2007, when access was expanded throughout the county. Today, anyone with a CCPL library card can request toys from the collection and have them delivered to the CCPL branch of their choice for pick-up.
This branch is a Student Success Center and a Greater Cleveland Food Bank Kids Café location.