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Creepy Cat travels through BLM ritos and Pandemic Louisville, in search of the Bell Witch of Adams, TN, who terrorized the Bell Family in the early 19th century.
"The Bell Witch Project" is the final chapter of Katherine Kerestman's award-winning book Creepy Cat's Macabre Travels: Prowling Around Haunted Towers, Crumbling Castles, and Ghoulish Graveyards (WordCrafts Press, 2020).
On this trip, Kerestman set up her base of operations in pandemic and Black Lives Matter Louisville, Kentucky, feeling like a war correspondent as she documented her experience staying in a boarded-up historic hotel in an emptied city whose only inhabitants were protestors and National Guardsmen, helicopters and ghosts. From Louisville, she explored Kentucky and rural Tennessee on the trail of the Bell Witch, who in the 1820s beset the Bell family of Adams, Tennessee.
You can see pictures of this trip, as well as others, by visiting creepycatlair.com. Following the presentation, Kerestman will be available for book sales and signing.
Sponsored by the Friends of the Parma Libraries.
Katherine Kerestman
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The Parma-Snow Branch is home to the Sari Feldman Auditorium, a flexible, state-of-the-art venue for theatrical groups, recitals, concerts, meetings, speaker presentations, wedding receptions and other group events.
This branch is a Greater Cleveland Food Bank Kids Café location.