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Enjoy stories, songs, and activities focused on letters and the sounds they make.
Each storytime we will focus on a different letter and its sound building on knowledge from week to week. Drop in for one session, or plan to attend all of them!
Participants may be recorded and/or surveyed to capture this program’s effectiveness. Learn more about parent options at www.cuyahogalibrary.org/parent-options.
TAGS: | Storytimes | Children's Programs |
In 1829, Charles Hyde Olmsted promised to donate 500 books from his father’s collection if the residents agreed to change the name of their town from Lenox to Olmsted. They did and the books traveled by oxcart and were housed in individual residents’ homes while being circulated. The “Oxcart Library” is thought to be the first circulating public library in the Western Reserve.
This branch is a Student Success Center and a Greater Cleveland Food Bank Kids Café location.