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Join us when local author Jamie Lynne Owens visits to talk about her book, Cleveland's Riverside Cemetery.
About the author:
Jamie Lynne Owens is a fifth-generation staff member of Riverside Cemetery and has committed herself to the historic preservation of the cemetery.
Positioned west of the Cuyahoga River and occupying 96 acres is Riverside Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio. Established in 1876, Riverside Cemetery was the long-term solution to the ever-growing suburbs of Cleveland's west side.
A nephew to one of the earliest settlers, Titus Brainard sold 102.25 acres of his farm to the association under conditions that the cemetery never be sold to the city and that all persons be accepted for burial regardless of background. And so began the development of the landscape and roadways, much of which has changed in the nearly 150 years of service. Riverside Cemetery has become the permanent home to generations of families, each with their own stories, accomplishments, hardships, captured in Cleveland's Riverside Cemetery.
Books will be available for purchase courtesy of Mac's Backs - Books on Coventry.
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In 1829, Charles Hyde Olmsted promised to donate 500 books from his father’s collection if the residents agreed to change the name of their town from Lenox to Olmsted. They did and the books traveled by oxcart and were housed in individual residents’ homes while being circulated. The “Oxcart Library” is thought to be the first circulating public library in the Western Reserve.
This branch is a Student Success Center and a Greater Cleveland Food Bank Kids Café location.