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Did you get a new tablet, phone, or e-reader? We'll help you discover and explore free-with-your-library-card resources and how to set them up on your new device!
Did you get a new tablet, phone, or e-reader and are unsure how to access free library content? Would you like to read and listen to books on your device? Watch movies? Read magazines or newspaper articles?
Join library staff members to discover resources and receive basic assistance with setting them up on your new device. A Digital Navigator will be available on-site to provide one-on-one assistance as well.
Need additional one-on-one assistance at another day or time? Schedule an appointment with one of our Digital Navigators at 216-749-9420.
TAGS: | Technology and Innovation | General |
In 1829, Charles Hyde Olmsted promised to donate 500 books from his father’s collection if the residents agreed to change the name of their town from Lenox to Olmsted. They did and the books traveled by oxcart and were housed in individual residents’ homes while being circulated. The “Oxcart Library” is thought to be the first circulating public library in the Western Reserve.
This branch is a Student Success Center and a Greater Cleveland Food Bank Kids Café location.