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Learn about the Enneagram Theory of Personality. The Enneagram has been used in leadership, business, and spiritual contexts.
Each of us is unique, but we share a limited number of vehicles to make life’s journey. Like different brands of cars, we can drive any of them, but delight in the distinct features that set them each apart. Let’s spend an hour shopping for psychological “wheels” in the Enneagram Theory of Personality. Your guide is the author of the original textbook on the subject: The Enneagram: A Journey of Self-Discovery.
Patrick H. O’Leary, MS, MDiv is an international consultant specializing in leader development, crisis resolution and team building. He has researched and taught the Enneagram for over 50 years.
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Located on Wallings Road, just east of State Road adjacent to the North Royalton Family YMCA, the North Royalton Branch features a full-service drive-up window, community meeting spaces and a beautiful nature-themed children’s area.